Private Course
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Responsible VitaOne Education
Last Update 14/09/2024
Members 41
  • Live session Schedule
    1Lessons ·
    • Live session Schedule
  • Cardiovascular Assessment
    2Lessons ·
    • CVS Case Study
    • CVS Q and A
  • Cardiometabolic Diet
    2Lessons ·
    • Cardiometabolic diet Case Study
    • Cardiometabolic diet Q and A
  • Nutritional Assessment and Deficiency
    2Lessons ·
    • Nutrition Case Study
    • Nutrition Q and A
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
    2Lessons ·
    • Case Study: Thyroid dysfunction
    • Case Study: Thyroid Q & A
    2Lessons ·
    • Case Study: Immune System
    • Case Study: Immune System Q & A
  • Closing Session
    1Lessons ·
    • Closing session